September 11, 2004

Politics Piss Me Off!

Filed under: General — @ 3:21 am

Tonight I organized a small group of friends to go see a documentary at the theater. The documentary was ‘The Corporation’ and it got me all fired up about politics. I’ve been considering for some time now getting involved in some way in our democratic process. The weakest area of our democracy that I know of today is our free press, so I would like to provide information about current politics in an interesting way to my friends, family and anyone who will listen. To do this I will be starting up another blog that anyone can contribute to. The focus of this blog will be politics. I want to encourage discussion of issues that are actually important to the upcoming elections such as voting history, campaign finance, health care and whatever else people tell me that they find important. Check back soon for exact details including the new blog address as well as how you can participate. The more people participate in this the better, because a participatory democracy is far more valuable than a passive one any day.


  1. I’m surprised you are so passionate about politics. Your grandfather Lewis was extremely knowledgable about national politics. We had several magazines in our home that were uncommon, including one that told what the press in other countries was reporting about the United States. That was a good way to keep from having the egocentric viewpoint that the USA is the only important place on earth! A lot of Americans think that the rest of the world only exists to serve us. Often, they use patriotism instead of intelligence to justify their attitude.

    Comment by Martin — September 11, 2004 @ 11:04 pm

  2. That’s nice to know that Grandpa was concerned about national politics as well. I think it’s very important for more people in this country to understand how the rest of the world views us. I knew next to nothing about what people in foreign countries thought of the US before I traveled abroad and it was an eyeopening experience. I didn’t realize how many people resented our imperialistic and invasive culture. I also didn’t realize how much I took for granted the freedoms and priveleges that I had in life simply because I was an American. These experiences helped kindle a desire to know more about world politics, and Bush’s disasterous handling of world politics (among other things) has ignited my current passion for politics in general. The more I learn, the angrier it makes me. I believe that if you’re not angry about the way the government is handling quite a few things, you’re probably just not informed enough.

    Comment by Matt — September 11, 2004 @ 11:51 pm

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