Brigid has already started moving some of her stuff in and she officially moves in the 16th, so we’re getting her room ready by painting it and taking out some of the kid things. The room has stickers and little kid stuff attached to the walls, so we’re removing it all and painting. One of the shelves had a stripped screw and I managed to put a hole in wall while removing it, which means that I got to learn to patch drywall! It was easier than I thought it would be. We recently learned that it’s good to have an accent wall when you’re painting a room, so you paint one wall a different color to accent the room. I’m not totally sure why, but it does kinda look nice.
We had some paint left over from the previous owners that we used so all we had to do was buy some paint brushes and rollers.
After I unscrewed the shelves and blinds, Kim and Brigid did most all the painting which left me free to work on building the compost pile in the back yard. I cleared out a section behind our fence under the really big bushes. I setup some free wood pallets, strapped them together with big cable ties, and added some hinges for a door. All our yard waste is composting wonderfully. If you stick your hand in the pile it’s really warm. This will be great for our garden next spring.