October 14, 2005


Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 6:28 am

I used another one of my coupons from the awesome Chinook Book for a 2 for 1 massage at the Ayurvedic Health and Massage Center, which is really just one guy named Andy Warren. I haven’t had a professional massage in forever, but boy does it do me good. He does kind of a Swedish – Ayurvedic style massage, which is relaxing and seems to go by too fast, but what massage doesn’t? I think I prefer a deeper and less gentle style, but I’ll have to get one professionally to find out. I know that I like it when Kim walks on my back, so I imagine that it would be hard to get too deep a massage without wearing out the masseuse’s hands.

Kim’s also getting an Ayurvedic consultation since she’s become interested in that since we went to Kripalu. She’s also been reading some books by Deepak Chopra. It bothers me to hear it called a science, but it certainly is a way of life that’s been around for a while and I’m sure is a healthier lifestyle than most Americans practice today.

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