October 3, 2005


Filed under: Culture — mmrobins @ 10:19 am

I went to see Serenity at the theaters and am glad I did. I’ve heard a lot about the Firefly series on Slashdot so I figured I’d check out what it was all about. I enjoyed the combination of so many different movie genres (sci fi, western, zombie, asian, drama, action, fight), even if at times the movie seems a little silly.

The characters weren’t quite as deep as I expected from the reviews I had read beforehand, but they were entertaining enough characters. I’m curious to watch the TV series episodes now to see if the characters really are hashed out a lot better.

The main reason that I see movies these days in the theater is that they have special effects that I’d like to see and hear on the big screen with the big sound system. The special effects for this movie are pretty good, but by no means spectacular. In fact, sometimes it has the feel of a made for TV movie, but it’s rare enough that it doesn’t detract from the big screen experience.

The theme of the movie is done well, very relevant and present in a lot of modern culture: what right does the government have to intrude on our lives? I’m becoming reinterested in science fiction as a genre because of the foresite that so many sci-fi authors have about the issues that we’ll be dealing with in the near future. They almost always seem to base the issues in a distant future, but the issues are usually relevant in the present or very soon will be.

Joss Whedon, writer and director, is an interesting character, and I probably never would have cared about him if his only claim to fame was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but he has an interesting and varied career and would like to see more of his Sci-Fi work. I like his quote, “”It insults me that people take my work seriously. I just wanted to meet chicks.”

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