January 15, 2006

Hiking Near Quilcene

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 8:46 pm

Kim and I needed to wear the dog out so we decided to go snowshoeing. Your options are severly limited when hiking with a dog. We found a trail in a book that would work, but it was only at 800 ft so would almost certainly have no snow. We stopped by the ranger station near Quilcene and got a recommendation for hiking Mt Zion. We decided to hike a nearby trail but couldn’t get past a pickup that got stuck and blocked the road. We had some good snow though so we started hiking up. Still not enough snow for snowshoes. It was fun to get out in the snow, but it was too foggy for views. The dog Gretchan seems to love the snow.

On the way back from the hike we stopped in a bar to catch the end of the Seahawks game. Playoff victory!

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