Three days of music at the Gorge! Travis, Kim and I drove out Friday afternoon, setup free camp near the feathers, and went to see some angry music. Friday night was a little overly angry, and by the time NIN came on stage, I was a little tired of the anger. NIN was a good show nonetheless. Our campsite looked out over a waterfall and was very nice. Travis got eaten alive by mosquitos, but Kim and I were fine.
Saturday was a crazy day. That was the day of a 20 minute hail storm and the best performance of the weekend. It was a warm day, people were wearing shorts and tshirts, we were hanging out on the grass with Jessie and friends. Late afternoon during Neko Case’s set an ominous black cloud rolled in and dumped nickel sized hail on us forever. We had rain gear, but it couldn’t stop us from getting a bit wet with all that hail. I think a lot of people left for good after that storm. They started letting people go out to their cars and come back. The music was delayed for a couple hours, but when they got back on schedule Ben Harper put on a really good set. I’ve never really liked the Ben Harper they play on the radio (too poppy), but he did a really good live set. Then… The Flaming Lips played!
They had to coolest toys, and the funnest set. The lead singer started the show inside a bubble that he rolled over the crowd in. Flaming Lips groupies dressed as Santa and aliens were on either side of the stage. There were a bunch of streamers. They covered Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. They played until 2 in the morning. THAT was a good show.
Sunday was fun too, but Beck was a little disappointing. He didn’t do any dancing on stage. There was another guy who did. He just didn’t seem into it. He didn’t really do an encore and left early. They did have a cool puppet show in the background that was an exact replica of the band set. After the show we drove back to Seattle and I was TIRED.