Of course, having a baby means not having enough time to write about having a baby. Geneveve just celebrated her 6 month birthday and is a completely different person than she was a few months ago. She’s crawling, babbling, laughing, putting everything in her mouth, peeing and pooping in the potty a good percentage of the time and just has a lot more personality every day.
It truly is amazing to watch how quickly she’s learning new things. And she’s excited to learn them. She wakes herself up sometimes to practice crawling because she’s so pumped to be able to do it. I woke up this morning and she was banging her head against me in bed while rocking back and forth on her hands and knees to practice her crawl pose.
I’m thankful that I have a flexible enough job that I can do a bit of work from home so that I can be with her in the mornings, and that Kim can be with her all day. Even though she’s much more independent now with the ability to sit up and play on her own a little bit, she’s still a real handful and requires pretty constant attention.
Overall, I’m a lot more comfortable and confident having a baby than I was when she was born, but there’s still plenty of new challenges all the time. She often fights naps and then gets grumpy, she’s teething and that makes her cry sometimes, her hands are getting a lot more coordinated so we need to watch her more carefully to see what she might put in her mouth, and, of course, now that she’s becoming mobile we need to start child proofing.
I suppose there’s always going to be something new to enjoy and deal with as children grow older, but I don’t suppose the changes will be as fast paced and noticeable as they get older. I really like this age Geneveve is at right now, and better just enjoy it while I can.