March 11, 2011

How am I Sleeping?

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 9:14 pm

I’ve been playing with the Zeo sleep device. I’ve always been fascinated with brain wave monitoring, so when I saw the price had come down so far I finally got one of these. Looks like I’m about average for my age, which I think is pretty darned good considering Geneveve sleeps in bed with us.

Measurement This Week
Last Week
Men 30–39
Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Low High
ZQ 75 61 82 81 64 90 77 65 89
Total Sleep 6h 50m 5h 25m 7h 33m 7h 7m 5h 34m 8h 1m 6h 54m 5h 59m 7h 48m
Light Sleep 3h 25m 2h 48m 3h 58m 3h 37m 2h 28m 4h 27m 3h 51m 3h 9m 4h 32m
Deep Sleep 0h 57m 0h 40m 1h 12m 1h 4m 0h 58m 1h 11m 0h 59m 0h 18m 1h 41m
REM Sleep 2h 29m 1h 18m 2h 58m 2h 26m 2h 5m 2h 49m 2h 3m 1h 29m 2h 37m
Wake Time 0h 53m 0h 8m 2h 16m 0h 24m 0h 3m 1h 9m 0h 17m 0h 0m 0h 37m
Times Woken 4 1 5 4 2 7 3 1 5
Bed Time 11:34 PM 10:26 PM 1:10 AM 11:29 PM 9:59 PM 2:10 AM 12:00 AM 10:40 PM 1:20 AM
Rise Time 8:07 AM 6:50 AM 9:45 AM 7:37 AM 7:05 AM 8:30 AM 7:30 AM 6:08 AM 8:52 AM
Time to Z 0h 41m 0h 19m 1h 19m 0h 28m 0h 9m 0h 52m 0h 16m 0h 0m 0h 58m

It’s a bit annoying that you have to manually upload your data from the alarm clock device to a website to get decent graphs, but the sleep data visualizations are pretty good.

From Sleep Graphs

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