August 27, 2004

Shopping for a House

Filed under: General — @ 12:48 pm

Kim and I have been diligently house shopping the last week. We’ve visited three lenders to get preapproved and get an idea how much we qualify for, and now we’re meeting real estate agents to look at houses. It’s both a daunting and exciting task. We’re actually finding some things that we think we’ll like in our price range. We’re not ready to start making offers yet since we haven’t finalized our decision on an agent, but it could happen in the next few weeks.

We’re using a wonderful referral/consulting service that I found out about while taking real estate classes at the UW. The teacher of those classes, Jim Stacey, provides the names of reliable agents and advice through every step of the home buying process. So far it’s a wonderful service. Our biggest problem is that the agents that Jim and his wife Mel recommend are all so good that we have trouble choosing between them. It takes a lot of the stress out of the whole process because you’re a lot more confident that you aren’t making bad decisions.


  1. I bid a dollar on the crayon house.


    Comment by Anonymous — September 1, 2004 @ 8:23 pm

  2. I counteroffer and demand that you pay at least $1.75 and I’m not paying closing costs.

    Comment by Matt — September 2, 2004 @ 5:02 pm

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