October 29, 2008

Phew… New House Purchase Complete

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 8:22 pm

Lots of light in the new house

Finally! If anyone was wondering why I stopped posting the last month or so, it’s been because we’ve been in house hunting mode. We’ve been pretty much nonstop looking at houses, or working to close on a phew. We actually made offers on 3 houses before we finally got one that worked for us. Third time’s the charm, eh? I won’t go into all the boring details, but let’s just say a whole lot of frustration had to happen to let us get the house we really wanted, at the price we wanted, at just the right time. It’s kind of all fallen into place even if it’s been a struggle. I know that seems contradictory, but you can ask me about it if you want the full, long winded story.

And closing hasn’t been a moment too soon. Our little studio apartment is daily closing in on me and driving me bonkers. It was an awesome place during the summer with the giant porch to hang out on, but lately with the weather getting too cold to hang out outside it’s begun to feel kind of like a prison cell. So I’d say we’re timing the house closing pretty well, because if we weren’t buying the house right now, I’d be looking for a bigger apartment to move to.

All this house stress and apartment shrinking really screwed up my goal to meditate 30 days straight. I got about 15 days in and that’s when the house stuff got crazy and the weather got cold at the same time. I know I should consider meditation even more important during such stressful times, but I’ve found it so hard to concentrate on anything but loan/move in/inspection/insurance/paperwork/house stuff that I couldn’t make myself sit down long enough. I feel like now that we’ve signed all the documents I can let go of all those details and get back to having time to focus on pleasant things.

So even with the closing tomorrow we’ve got a few weeks until we move in. The closing was actually done in slightly over two weeks, which if you’ve ever closed a house purchase before you know to be really fast. Because of this, the sellers needed a bit more time to move out after closing, so they’re paying us rent until we move in. Even though it would be nice to move in tomorrow, it’s probably good with all the other stuff going on the next few weeks (Halloween, trip to the East Coast for a wedding) that we’re not moving.

For all you friends and family who have been wanting to check out Portland, we will now have a guest bedroom (or two!) for you to stay in, at least starting mid November. So come on over for a visit!


  1. Matt and Kim,

    Congratulations on the new house! I will definitely make it a point to check out your beautiful city and would like to continue to extend the invite for visits to Sacramento.

    I head up to Seattle on November 7th for the long weekend if for some reason you are heading up that way and thats not the time you are on the east coast. 11/11/08 for Mr. Webly.

    Take care.

    Comment by brendan — October 29, 2008 @ 9:46 pm

  2. Hi Guys,
    Congrats on the house! You must be all settled in by now, huh? How are things going down in Portland? And, what’s your new address? ( I have a christmas card for you)

    Comment by Elizabeth Hood — December 10, 2008 @ 9:33 am

  3. For anyone thinking of visiting, Marty and I, Jan, Matt’s mom and dad, visited Matt and Kim in their new home over Thanksgiving. They were great hosts and their home is lovely.

    Comment by Jan,Mom — January 23, 2009 @ 8:55 am

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